Save Pets of Ukraine initiative collected advice from a veterinarian, a dog specialist and a zoopsychologist on how to protect pets in case of a nuclear explosion
The team of the Save Pets of Ukraine social initiative urges pet owners to take care of safe conditions for their four-legged friends in advance, in case of a nuclear explosion. The most important thing is not to panic, follow the instructions of the emergency services and remember that your calmness will help your pets cope with stress.

1. Keep animals in shelter
If the tail was outside at the time of the explosion, it is necessary to wash it as soon as possible with shampoo or soap (even just water is better than not washing).
Take care of your own safety during water procedures:
⁃ Use rubber gloves and a face mask.
⁃ If there are cuts or scratches on your hands or the animal's body, try to cover them so that radioactive materials do not enter the wound.
⁃ Wash your hands and face after washing the animal.
2. Make the space safe.
Wipe down pet bowls and mats.
After that, put the rags in a bag or a plastic box that is hermetically closed. Leave in a place inaccessible to people and animals.
3. Food for pets
It is safest to feed the tails with food from closed hermetic cans or bags. They must be purchased in advance.
Feed for domestic animals should also be hidden in airtight containers (cans, boxes). Before opening the container, wipe it with a damp cloth or a clean towel.
4. Water for pets
Prepare a supply of water in tightly closed containers ahead of time. After all, water in taps, reservoirs and wells can be dangerous for some time.
Remember that the recommendation "to give less to drink so that the dog does not want to go to the toilet" is HARMFUL. In case of a tragedy, make sure that your water supply is sufficient for every member of the family, including the tail, because everyone will need to drink plenty of clean water.
5. Sanitary and hygienic procedures
- for cats
For the toilet, place newspapers/diapers/padding in the animal's access area. Use those that are in closed packages.
If the diapers were in an open package at the time of the accident, they became dangerous for use because they have absorbent properties.
Treat excrement as potentially contaminated material - do not touch with bare hands and pack immediately as you would other contaminated items.
- for dogs
It will be forbidden to go outside for some time, so it is worth separating a space where the dog can go to the toilet. In advance, take care of a box with soil, which will resemble a familiar area and serve as a temporary toilet for the dog.
Be prepared that on the first day the dog may not do its chores, because they are very tidy animals and do not make dirty where they sleep, eat and play.
Watch the tail and if it starts whining, scratching somewhere in a corner or corridor - take him to a specially designated place and explain that he can go to the toilet here. Even if nothing happened, do not press and repeat after an hour. Explain calmly that these are the conditions now, unfortunately, but it is temporary.
To facilitate the process, you can make warm compresses on the stomach. For example, put a warm wet napkin or towel, stroke. It is important not to give diuretics or laxatives in any case. This will only make the situation worse.
"Do not worry that after this the dog will constantly go to the toilet at home." - reassures zoo psychologist Oksana Galan - "treat your pet with respect and understanding, support him"
6. Actions if it is necessary to move from the premises to a safer place.
Hide small tails (cats or dogs) in a carrying container and wrap it with polyethylene, leaving an opening for access and breathing. Close this hole with gauze in several layers.
Larger dogs should be dressed in their clothes, preferably some winter clothes (jackets, shoes, etc.) and a muzzle wrapped in gauze.
7. There is no scientific evidence to recommend potassium iodide for animals.
8. Prepare an "anxiety suitcase" for the pet.
· dry fodder;
· carrier for cats, dogs of small breeds or kittens/puppies;
· water;
· water bowl or drinking bowl;
· if the tail has certain chronic diseases, it is worth stocking up on medicines;
· documents;
· wet wipes;
· litter;
· a leash so that the pet is always nearby;
· muzzle;
· packages for stressful "surprise".
You should also stock up on food, water and medicine for at least 7 days.
Keep the mode that is most familiar to you, play with the dog, learn some commands - it distracts. And keep calm - animals feel everything)
May these tips never be needed!