Types of allergies that provoke changes in the state of pet’s health and mood
Owners do not always understand why their cheerful dog stopped responding to favorite games and huddled in a corner, and an affectionate cat became aggressive.
To help the animal overcome the allergy faster, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen and consult a veterinarian.
The doctor follows a certain algorithm in order to establish an allergy, since there is no direct diagnosis.

1. Food - usually it is an allergy to protein. It can be provoked by the following products: meat, milk, eggs, fish, corn, wheat, soy. Very often, pet owners blame food allergies for all the ailments of their pets. But in fact, it is one of the rarest!
2. Allergy to flea saliva and bites is the most common cause of allergic diseases. In order for an allergic reaction to occur in a pet, a flea must simply bite the animal. Some owners do not attach importance to this type of allergy, because they do not notice fleas on the pet's body.
3. Allergy to external irritants is the most difficult type of allergy, as it can be to anything: a field mite in the house, to the perfume of the hostess, to household chemicals used to wash the toilet, to a new synthetic rug, or even to frost in winter. It can appear at any age due to a lack of filaggrin protein, which is responsible for the quality of the skin. Such an allergy requires constant care, medication and special feeds.
For all types of pets' allergies, the symptoms are almost the same:
⁃ redness of the skin,
⁃ itching,
⁃ secretion of fluid from the eyes,
⁃ unpleasant smell from wool. In some cases, the wool can become oily and dandruff and scabs appear.
According to the indicated signs, you, as the petparent, will not be able to determine an allergy, since the same symptoms are characteristic of both fungus and scabies. Therefore, at the first noticeable symptoms, it is better to immediately consult a veterinarian.